Storm Water Pollution Hotline: (573) 364-8659
MCM IV - Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
The purpose of Minimum Control Measure IV is to implement and enforce a program that reduces pollutants in storm water runoff to MS4 systems due to construction activities, in particular those resulting from land disturbances equal to or greater than one acre. Polluted storm water runoff from construction sites often flows to MS4s and ultimately is discharged into local rivers and streams. Sediment is a main pollutant of concern. During a short period of time, construction sites can contribute more sediment to streams than can be deposited naturally during several decades. The resulting siltation, and the contribution of other pollutants from construction sites, can cause physical, chemical and biological harm to our nation's waters.
The City of Rolla has created and implemented a land disturbance permit procedure for the development of sites. The permitting process has provided a conduit to improve construction practices used during site and subdivision development. With the implementation of this process, contractors, developers and engineers have improved construction practices utilized during site and subdivision development. Compliance has greatly improved over time as individuals involved in development become more familiar with ordinances and standard practices set by industry.
What BMPs are planned?

What BMPs has Rolla implemented?
implemented a storm water ordinance regulating land development
staff began reviewing all developments for runoff conveyance and potential pollutants
developed and implemented a land disturbance permitting procedure for development sites
site monitoring review
continued enforcement of previous years BMPs
continued enforcement of previous years BMPs
held an Erosion Control Best Management Practices seminar, with invitations being sent to local developers, contractors and consultants.
completed Erosion Control Storm Water Protection Guide and an Erosion Control Storm Water Protection handout
continued enforcement of previous years BMPs
revised land disturbance inspection form as well as inspection criteria
streamlined and standardized permitting process for more consistent approach
new computerized filing system developed to store permit data by site
provided wood chips free of charge to contractors to be used for sediment control on construction sites
continued enforcement of previous years BMPs
continued enforcement of previous years BMPs
continued enforcement of previous years BMPs

Have you seen a problematic construction site? Let us know! Contact us using the form below or call (573) 364-8659.
This minimum control measure is closely tied to the continuation of existing or ongoing BMPs such as development reviews and land disturbance inspections. The BMPs that are in place have been very effective in reducing pollutants and will be continued.
possible contractor certification before issuance of land disturbance permit
small construction site sediment control training for developers and contractors

Questions? Comments? Message us your feedback.