Storm Water Pollution Hotline: (573) 364-8659
Regulated MS4 communities, regardless of size, are required to develop a storm water management program designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the mazimum extent practicable (MEP). Ideally, this program will be developed with input from both internal and external stakeholders. This could include not only local government agencies and departments, federal and state agencies, nonprofit organizations and volunteer groups, and the general public.
The program is to be detailed in a planning document that includes organizational structure, responsible parties, program components, performance standards, implementation timelines and an evaluation of the programs effectiveness.
Larger metropolitan areas were the first to be regulated as Phase I communities. This required the implementatiuon of a stormwater management program by municipalities with populations of 100,000 and greater. In 1999, the ruling extended to smaller communities, requiring a "General Operating Permit" with a slightly different approach to be obtained and implemented.
The City of Rolla is a Phase II Small MS4 covered by a general permit that regulates multiple facilities within a specific category and authorixes the discharge of urban runoff. The Missouri Department of Naturl Resources, in compliance with the Missouri Clean Water Law (chapter 644 R.S. Mo. as amnded) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Public Law 92-500, 92nd Concress), issued the original General Operating Permit No. MOR040033 to the City of Rolla on March 10, 2003.
The City’s operating permit requires the implementation of a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP is to be evaluated and updated on a continuing basis and must be consistent with provisions as outlined in 40 CFR 122.34. The city's second permit expired on June 12, 2013, at which time a new application, updated SWMP and five-year plan were submitted for renewal.
The program management portion of the City of Rolla SWMP serves as a foundation for the remainder of the requirements of the MS4 General Operating Permit. Without a structured, coordinated effort within and across departments, the SWMP would fall short of meeting its reqruiements. This section outlines the administrative structure of the program including departmental responsibilities, storm water program staff, relevant stakeholders, coorination and scheduling efforts, and prioritization of resources.
As part of the storm water management program, Phase II Small MS4s are required to develop a plan that will:
Reduce the discharge of pollutants to the "maximum extent practicable",
Protect water quality, and
Satisfy requirements of the Clean Water Act.
This is to be accomplished by implementing six "Minimum Control Measures" (MCMs).
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post-Construction Runoff Control
Pollution Prevention and Municipal Good Housekeeping