Storm Water Pollution Hotline: (573) 364-8659
A quality education program is always the "first line of attack" when working to improve stormwater quality. An informed and knowledgeable community is vital to the success of any stormwater management program. Activities under MCM I address these concerns by implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) that support a variety of educational opportunities.
MCM I is designed to assist the MS4 in developing a program to educate the public as well as in house staff on the impact of storm water and measures that can be implemented to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of discharge. By distributing educational materials to the community and employees, greater support will develop as the community begins to understand the necessity of the city's permit requirements. Education leads to greater compliance. As an individual begins to understand his or her responsibility and that of the community in the overall effectiveness of the program, they begin to make modifications in their behavior. The cumulative effect that these changes in behavior have on storm water quality is the ultimate goal of outreach and education.
An effective outreach program should engage people of all ages, race, background, income and education levels. Permittees are encouraged to utilize partnerships with other governmental entities and seek assistance from non-governmental organizations to fulfill this minimum control measure. The program should strive to make materials and activities relevant to local situations and issues by incorporating a variety of strategies ensuring maximum coverage. It should address the viewpoints and concerns of a variety of audiences, including minority and disadvantaged communities, multiple languages, people with disabilities and target audiences such as commercial, industrial and institutional entities. And most importantly, it should support behavior modifications that all individuals are capable of making in their daily lives to help reduce negative impacts on water quality.

What BMPs are planned?

What BMPs has Rolla implemented?
What does the permit say?

continued partnership with the Master Gardeners and the MU Extension Office to provide members of the community with the popular “Healthy Yards for Clear Streams” program.
began a partnership with Venture Crew 84 of Rolla, the Missouri Stream Team Association and Healthy Yards for Clear Streams to stencil storm drains throughout town.
Environmental Services introduced their new mascot “Polly Plastic, (short for polyethylene), a seven-foot tall plastic bottle, who made her first public appearance at the Earth Day celebration.
co-hosted the “Healthy Yards for Clear Streams” program, an educational effort to help landowners and businesses become more environmentally responsible with lawn and landscape practices.
Earth Day exhibit featuring "Healthy Yards for Clear Streams" program and services available from Environmental Services Department
hosted Public Works Day Celebration with displays geared towards educating the public on storm water related issues.
continued partnership with the Master Gardeners and the MU Extension Office to provide members of the community with the popular “Healthy Yards for Clear Streams” program.
completed the initial stages of the Reforest Rolla program. The primary objective of this program is to reduce the amount of storm water runoff, pollutants and erosion through the planting trees. The first step in this program consisted of the design and production of informational brochures that will be distributed to over 11,000 homes.
participated in the local Earth Day Celebration, providing the opportunity to debut the new Enviroscape model, the portable three dimensional representation of a watershed
Environmental Services offered an extensively advertised one-time waste tire drop-off sponsored in part by the Department of Natural Resources
educated City Council members about NPDES requirements, MS4 regulations and the city’s responsibilities. Through a series of presentations and question/answer sessions, council members left the two hour session with a better understanding of the requirements.
staff appeared on Rolla Channel 16 in a half hour segment entitled “City Talk”. The program focused on storm water related issues. The segment aired for a minimum of three months, twice a day, for an average of 5,400 minutes
began the second season of the Reforest Rolla program. Each planting season begins with a radio ad, a blogspot and a newspaper article about the program and its benefits in the reduction of storm water runoff and pollutants.
members of Venture Crew 84 were available to teach watershed basics and non-point source pollution prevention to visitors of the Public Works Day celebration using the Enviroscape model. Crew members used training received prior to their storm drain marker installation to interact with several hundred visitors.
purchased a brochure dispenser to be used in the main lobby of the Public Works Department to be filled with informational pieces regarding storm water runoff, pollutants, projects and programs.
started both a “Yard Waste as a Pollutant” and an “Illegal Dumping” campaign. Access to programming on the local cable channel has made it possible to upload slides geared toward these two issues.
implemented a pet waste ordinance and installation of pet waste signs throughout city owned facilities
City of Rolla Environmental Services Department continued it's active role in pollution prevention. Citizenry is reached through website, brochures, utility bill inserts, public speaking engagements and public appearances. The department maintains an outdoor message board displaying information about pollution, recycling, hazardous waste and yard waste.
training of city staff and consultants in permit requirements initiated
Storm Water Ordinance and Storm Water Design Guide adopted and distributed
held numerous open house and ward meetings to discuss storm water regulations and issues
held Public Works Day celebration where information about storm water pollution prevention was distributed to several hundred participants
began development of Erosion Control Storm Water Protection Guide to be distributed to city personnel and contractors. A shorter brochure version is being developed for the general public
completed and distributed Erosion Control Storm Water Protection Guide and Erosion Control Storm Water brochure
held Public Works Day celebration and provided useful information on storm water pollution prevention methods for such activities as home improvement, lawn care, and household hazardous waste disposal
Ongoing BMPs
door hangers
household hazardous waste, e‐waste, and
yard waste disposal program
Enviroscape 3D watershed model training
open house meetings
brochure dispensing
community events
storm drain markers
urban reforestion efforts
illegal dumping campaign
Questions? Comments? Message us your feedback.
hold a Storm Water Festival featuring erosion control demonstations and BMPs, how to build a rain garden, rain barrel construction, Enviroscape 3D model training, storm water capital improvements past, present and future, reforestation information, and all things storm water pollution prevention with a heavy focus on residential stewardship.
Develop a yard waste campaign
Continue illegal dumping campaign
implement educational materials tailored to target audiences, including industry, commercial facilities, businesses utilizing petroleum based and hazardous chemicals, and homeowners
collaborate with other MS4 communities to develop appropriate methods of measuring effectiveness of outreach strategies
develop an "Adopt-an-Inlet" program
work with local businesses to develop product specific outreach
Have an idea for an educational program? We'd love to hear it! Contact us using the form below.